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Mulago Hospital sued over missing baby

By Barbra Kabahumuza, Michael Odeng
Added 16th December 2016
Mulago 703x422
Nakayima now wants an order that Mulago hospital immediately avails her baby and an award of general damages to her for violation of human rights and those of her child.

Mulago National Referral Hospital has been dragged to civil division of the High court in Kampala over missing baby.

Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) alongside Fatumah Nakayima, the mother of the missing baby dragged the executive director, Mulago hospital and the Attorney General (AG) to court on Thursday through Dalumba Advocates
Nakayima now wants an order that Mulago hospital immediately avails her baby and an award of general damages to her for violation of human rights and those of her child.
Nakayima also wants a declaration that failure by the hospital to give her the baby after birth is a violation of her right to health contrary to section 33(3) of the Constitution.
 "On December 26, 2015 I went to Mulago hospital to deliver my baby; unfortunately I developed some complications and referred for a C-section. On waking up I was informed that my baby had lived for a few hours and died," she narrated.
However, Nakayima says she was discharged without her baby's body, upon which her husband and herself reported to Mulago police station which have not been of any help to date.
According to the plaint, Nakayima states that as a result, she reported the matter to Uganda Association of Women Lawyers (FIDA-Uganda), upon which she was advised to contact CEHURD to help her find the child from Mulago hospital.
On April 28, 2016 Nakayima went to CEHURD requesting for assistance because her new born child had gone missing from Mulago and had not been given assistance by the hospital.
In her affidavit, CEHURD programme manager Primah Kwagala says that she inquired about the whereabouts of the new born baby from Mulago hospital but was not accorded any assistance.
Mulago Hospital sued over missing baby Mulago Hospital sued over missing baby Reviewed by Unknown on Friday, December 16, 2016 Rating: 5

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