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Coco Travels in Style With Baby Chanel

Coco has not been shy about inviting fans along for her journey through motherhood since giving birth to her daughter, Chanel, late November.
But earlier today she may have shared her most intimate moment yet when she posted a breastfeeding pic to her Instagram!
Coco - Instagram
(Photo Credit: Instagram)
While the post has since been removed (thanks to Instagram’s strict anti-nipple policy),E! News captured the caption before it was removed.
According to the site, it said, “Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do when feeding time comes up…Breastfeeding in odd places…I want to start a trend where us moms post pics of all the wild stuff we do for our little ones.”
LOL! Moms, can you get on board with that trend?
Coco Travels in Style With Baby Chanel  Coco Travels in Style With Baby Chanel Reviewed by ibigezwehobyose on Sunday, January 24, 2016 Rating: 5
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