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Artist Uses Vagina To Paint

Pic shows: Sun Ping¿s ¿vaginal calligraphy¿ art.nnThe official national association of artists in China has expelled one of its high-profile members after his signature "vaginal calligraphy" was deemed inappropriate and not according to ideological standards.nnA special committee at the China Artists Association (CAA), founded together with the modern-day Chinese government in 1949, has cut controversial artist Sun Ping, 63, from its prestigious list of associates in an official online statement.nnAccording to the post by CAA, Sun¿s style is both "vulgar" and "degrading to traditional calligraphy and civilisation", referencing the Beijing-based artist¿s head-turning artwork involving young women holding calligraphy brushes with their vaginas while writing characters on large pieces of paper.nnCAA¿s statement also cites provisions from item VIII of Article IX in its Member Code, which reads: "Purposeful violation of the code or cause of adverse social impact can result in loss of membership status."nnWhile Sun, born in north-eastern Heilongjiang Province, has been proudly displaying vaginal calligraphy for a decade in order to counter China¿s "sexual taboos", the CAA committee has only now seen it fit to cut all ties with the graduate of the prestigious Guangdong Academy of Fine Arts, an institute in South China.nnBut the man who first joined the association in December 1985 is not fazed or the last bit frustrated by the decision, as he claims not to have been "ideologically aligned" with CAA, despite being a long-time member.nnHe reportedly laughed after being told of CAA¿s decision, saying: "My art may seem ugly and vulgar on the outside because we¿re clouded by principles and conventions.nn"But there is also elegance, beauty, and inner value ¿ it is art."nnSun has been questioning societal norms and pushing boundaries ever since he first displayed vaginal calligraphy in his installation Bu Zhi Dao ¿ which translates as "I don¿t know" in Mandarin ¿ in 2006.nnHe added: "Our culture is full of sexual taboos. If art is revered then why can¿t sex be as well?nn"People who look at Bu Zhi Dao and only see ¿sex¿ will immediately criticise it and therefore miss its deeper meaning and message."nnSun, whose work is prominent on Chinese social media, also took the opportunity to encourage the public to question the definition of vulgarity, saying: "A vagina is too often labelled as vulgar, but is where we all come from."nnEven before his infamous vaginal calligraphy, reports said Sun had already incorporated many sexual themes into his artwork during his days serving in the Chinese military.nnOne of his earlier works, entitled "Wet Dreams", featured bedsheets stained by semen in what was called "an expression of the spirit¿s frustration".nn(ends)n
A calligraphy artist has been thrown out of his professional body because his art is ‘inappropriate’.
It’s nothing to do with the words he chooses to write, or even his messy handwriting.
It’s more the fact that he invented ‘vagina calligraphy’.
Sun Ping, 63, set up an art show where young women held brushes in their intimate parts, dipped them in ink and then wrote with surprising dexterity while squatting over sheets of paper.
In addition, he persuaded women to spare strands of their pubic hair for him to make brush pens with, as you do.
But Chinese authorities weren’t having any of it, despite his stated intention to show the connection between art, the body and creativity.
The official national association of artists in China has expelled him, saying his art did not adhere to its ideological standards.
They said his style is both ‘vulgar’ and ‘degrading to traditional calligraphy and civilisation’.
Sun, born in north-eastern Heilongjiang Province, has been displaying vaginal calligraphy for a decade in order to counter China’s ‘sexual taboos’ – but he got away with it until now.
He first joined the association in 1985 after graduating from the prestigious Guangdong Academy of Fine Arts.
But he says he doesn’t care about being barred as he is not ‘ideologically aligned’ with CAA.
He reportedly laughed after being told of the decision, saying: ‘My art may seem ugly and vulgar on the outside because we’re clouded by principles and conventions.
‘But there is also elegance, beauty, and inner value. It is art.’
He added: ‘Our culture is full of sexual taboos. If art is revered then why can’t sex be as well?’
‘People who look at Bu Zhi Dao and only see sex will immediately criticise it and therefore miss its deeper meaning and message.’
He made a good point: ‘A vagina is too often labelled as vulgar, but is where we all come from.’
Even before his infamous vagina calligraphy, Sun had focused on sexual themes.
One of his earlier works, entitled ‘Wet Dreams’, featured bedsheets stained by semen in what was called ‘an expression of the spirit’s frustration’.

Artist Uses Vagina To Paint Artist Uses Vagina To Paint Reviewed by Unknown on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 Rating: 5
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