



Friday, January 15, 2016

Zimbabwe’s Ruling Party in a Twitter War Over Mugabe Death Romours

Zimbabwe’s ruling party Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front ZANU-PF is working tirelessly to dispel romours that the country’s president Robert Mugabe has died.
Rumours that Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe had suffered a heart attack have been doing the rounds again on social media recently.
Robert Mugabe
Two days ago the presidency issued a statement to say that one of Mugabe’s deputies, Emmerson Mnangagwa, had taken over from his counterpart Phelekezela Mphoko as acting president while Mugabe was out of the country on holiday.

Mugabe went on leave on December 24 and traditionally takes a long break at this time of the year, which often gives rise to rumours about his health.
Below are tweets from ZANU PF in defence of Mugabe.
1.President Mugabe has out lived many people, he is experienced and will probably outlive you.
2.It is arrogant to tweet that Comrade RG Mugabe has died before you.
3.President Mugabe has never avoided death, it has avoided him.
4.”I have died many times. I have actually beaten Jesus Christ because he only died once.” RG Mugabe
5.If Twitter could kill, but it cannot so you and your white fingers can continue but President Mugabe runs Zimbabwe.
6.President Mugabe is closer to God than you, but he is also well and fine. Good morning, even to Lying rumor peddlers.
7.President RG Mugabe does not have testicular cancer, he does not have high blood pressure or sleepless nights &did not have a heart attack.
8.In fact if president Mugabe does become ill, people won’t believe the media then- because media have lied and lied. Indeed they are liars.
9.It is understandable that President Mugabe takes leave once a year, just by looking on Twitter you can see the trolls he has to deal with.
10.All of you twitterprenures must stop it now. President Mugabe lives and your sponsored views will eventually stop trending.