



Friday, June 26, 2015

Miami high school students accused of raping disabled teen

David Lombard and three North Miami Senior High classmates are accused of raping a disabled girl in a school closet, authorities say.

Derek  Bynum and three North Miami Senior High classmates are accused of raping a disabled girl in a school closet, authorities say.

Derek Bynum (l), David Lombard (r) and two North Miami Senior High classmates are accused of raping a disabled girl in a school closet, authorities say.
Four Florida teens gang raped a mentally disabled teen in a janitor’s closet at their high school, authorities said.
The boys, ages 15-18, forced the girl “to perform oral, anal and vaginal sex acts” during the brutal encounter, according to court documents reviewed by the Miami Herald.
They were busted when a security guard caught them leaving the closet and asked the girl what happened, authorities said.

She claimed the teens told her not to tell, but she did anyway.
They were all students at North Miami Senior High where the girl was enrolled in a job training program at the time of the January incident.

Kenoldo Alexis and three North Miami Senior High classmates are accused of raping a disabled girl in a school closet, authorities say.Police filed charges of sexual battery on a mentally disabled person against the four teens — David Lombard, 17; Der Steven  Joseph and three North Miami Senior High classmates are accused of raping a disabled girl in a school closet, authorities say. ek Bynum, 18; Steven Jo seph, 15, and Kenoldo Alexis, 17.
News of their arrest remained quiet for months until the Herald broke the story on Thursday.
School district officials lauded Miami-Dade school police for their work on the case.
Miami-Dade County Corrections Enlarge Miami-Dade County Corrections Enlarge
Kenoldo Alexis (l), Steven Joseph (r) and two North Miami Senior High classmates are accused of raping a disabled girl in a school closet, authorities say.
“Our thoughts continue to be with the victim,” the district said in a statement to the Herald.
Investigators are reviewing security video of the teens going in and out of the closet, court records revealed.
One of the teens, Bynum, pleaded with a judge to take pity on him in a handwritten note included in court papers.
“I feel like I’m being tried and accused of something I did not do,” he wrote. “All I want to do is graduate from high school, make my family proud and be somebody. But, this case, I feel like it will ruin my chances and dreams.”
“I’m sorry,” he added. “I’m really a good kid.”
Police reports told a different story.
Bynum previously told investigators he compelled the girl to perform oral sex, and then quit “telling the victim to stop because she was doing a terrible job,” the Herald reported.
The cases are ongoing. Bynum and Lombard, the only two to enter pleas so far, have pleaded not guilty.